$47.00 USD

All information, content, and material included in this healing course is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body.  The information in this course is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment from your doctor or healthcare provider.  

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Heal The Root

 Learn a different approach to healing that feels so much better, easy, nourishing, enjoyable, restorative, customized to what YOUR body needs!

Our body tries to communicate with us in so many ways.  We just need to learn its language!  Once we learn its language, we can better support exactly what our body is asking for and fully step into the healer that we are.

I personally experienced 12+ years of chronic illness which included several diagnoses and full body symptoms.  I had binders full of lab work, thousands of dollars spent per year chasing the symptoms and looking for answers.  I was taking 30+ supplements/medications trying to get through the day yet no end in sight.

I felt confused, exhausted, angry, scared and powerless.

I knew that there were answers out there, that I just needed to find them.

I found answers. I healed.  

I healed from Lupus, POTS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Neuro Fatigue, Hypothyroidism, Infertility, PCOS, Adrenal Fatigue, Type 2 Diabetes, Pancreatic Insufficiency, Histamine Intolerance, MCAS, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression, OCD, MS, EBV, Lyme, Leaky Gut, Gastroparesis, GERD, SIBO and chronic full body symptoms.

I am free from disease, free from full body symptoms, free to live life without factoring in how to manage symptoms. I know how to identify signs of dysregulation, I have a customized healing toolbox to support my body when needed, I know how to encourage health ongoing.



Ready to say goodbye to chronic symptoms and hello to life changing healing?

 → No longer feeling powerless to your own body

→ The exact process that helped me heal naturally from Lupus, POTS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Neuro Fatigue, Hypothyroidism, Infertility, PCOS, Adrenal Fatigue, Type 2 Diabetes, Pancreatic Insufficiency, Histamine Intolerance, MCAS, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression, OCD, MS, EBV, Lyme, Leaky Gut, Gastroparesis, GERD, SIBO and chronic full body symptoms

→ This potent information will apply no matter what your root causes are!

→ Whether your diet is vegan, carnivore or somewhere in between!

→ Over a dozen different at home check-in methods to understand what YOUR body needs!

→ Identifying tools that work the best for YOU!


What's inside? Receive INSTANT ACCESS to:

  • 5 information packed modules (value: $500)
  • 15+ printable handouts and worksheets (value: $250)
  • Resources, links and bonus activities to provide extra support (value: $275)
  • Breathwork audio before diving into a new module to encourage regulation ($150 value)
  • Access wherever you go with the Kajabi app
  • Access to any and all future updates and added resources
  • EXCLUSIVE ONGOING ACCESS to the Heal The Root private community! Meet those who are making massive shifts happen alongside you, bonus resources, 1:1 support access and monthly release audio sessions!  (value: PRICELESS!)

ALL YOURS today for only $47!


What Students Are Saying:

This course is EVERYTHING you need to start and master your healing journey. Every module was packed with tons of information and support and is created by Monique with so much love. I truly feel like I have all the resources I need. Thank you.

You can really tell that you put your whole heart and soul into this course. It has years of your research all into one course and it is really helping us. It has been a huge factor in helping me heal! Thank you again!

Wanted to check-in and let you know that I've been doing really well - I even went skiing on my birthday!! Thank you so much!

Working through this course made me so much more aware of my body and gave me the confidence to heal myself when problems arise. The biggest changes that I made were in my diet and stress relief. This course gave me so many tools that are easy to use and they work!

I have some good news!! I had a follow up appointment with my gyno after he had me do bloodwork last week, and this is what has changed: anemia healed, I am no longer showing signs of PCOS and my hormones are all in good range!